Weights and biases approach -1 or 1

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Hi, ive been desinging my own C code to make neural networks. Mainly for a project and to mess around. It works pretty well but i find that the weights and biases of the finished network are practically all 1, -1 or thereabouts. Is this normal? Again, the network works pretty well, it just seems a bit weird to me. Im using it to predict hand-written characters. Im using sigmoid as my activation function (tried RELU but didnt predict too well, maybe its because I train with a pretty small sample pool?). Weights and biases are randomly initialized with values between -1 and 1 and are capped during training so that they dont exceed -1 or 1. Im thinking this might be the issue. Problem is that if i dont cap them like this, they start to grow and grow the closer you are to the first hidden layer. The last hidden layer would have weights and biases between -1 and 1, but the others started to get bigger and bigger, so i ended up capping it like that to solve it. I believe this is common practice, but maybe the way im capping them is the problem (essentially if a weight or bias exceeds -1 or 1 after having been corrected, i equal it to -1 or 1 respectively).Im not sure what other info i should be providing, as far as i know its a pretty basic neural network, not doing anything too fancy.


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