VkFFT now supports radix 3 and 5 in FFTs for better sequence lengths coverage

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Hello, I am the creator of VkFFT library. This update brings another important milestone - radix 3 and 5 support, which greatly increases sequence length coverage of VkFFT. For example, it is now possible to do FFT of modern display resolutions, like 1920x1080, which will be useful in VkResample in the future. If needed, adding other radix kernels (7, 11... etc) requires only kernel code now, as the engine is enhanced to handle non-full thread warps and can stagnate some threads during execution (as different radix kernels require different amount of registers - hence not all threads will be active for bigger radix kernels). The amount of used registers changes depending on the radix kernels used in one stage and precision. In the future it can be refined for different vendors and architectures as well.


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