Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer

The success of monocular depth estimation relies on large and diverse training sets. Due to the challenges associated with acquiring dense ground-truth depth across different environments at scale, a number of datasets with distinct characteristics and biases have emerged. We develop tools that enable mixing multiple datasets during training, even if their annotations are incompatible. In particular, we propose a robust training objective that is invariant to changes in depth range and scale, advocate the use of principled multi-objective learning to combine data from different sources, and highlight the importance of pretraining encoders on auxiliary tasks. Armed with these tools, we experiment with five diverse training datasets, including a new, massive data source: 3D films. To demonstrate the generalization power of our approach we use zero-shot cross-dataset transfer}, i.e. we evaluate on datasets that were not seen during training. The experiments confirm that mixing data from complementary sources greatly improves monocular depth estimation.


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