Run AI & ML workflows locally from your Mac desktop

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Hi all - I wanted to share an app I’ve been working on with a small team over the past year that I thought this community would be interested in. Odyssey is a completely native Mac app for creating remarkable art, getting work done, and automating repetitive tasks with the power of AI and machine learning models. We just made a major feature update and added the ability to create your own Widgets. Odyssey Widgets are fully interactive mini applications that live in their own windows or panels and are driven by a workflow. This means you can take a workflow you create with Odyssey and add it directly to your desktop. So, as an example, you could generate an image, chat with locally run chatbot, run bulk image processing, etc. straight from your desktop without even opening the Odyssey app. Widgets can be built with Odyssey and triggered from the Odyssey logo in your Mac’s menu.


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