OpenSource d*ck pic detection model to improve womens online life

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I would love for companies like facebook to gather statistics on how may d*ck pics that are sent and in what context. For that they would need some AI model that is trained to detect a d*ck pic. It seems like that would be pretty easy to find training material from the internet. It could be combined with classifications of how the interaction has been before the d*ck pick was sent and after. Many women describe this as a huge problem online and especially celebrities. Isn't it about time that we get proper statistics on this? I don't know AI enough but perhaps someone would think this would be a fun project. The result of it could potentially be use to auto report users who send unsolicited d*ck pics to say celebrities to make womens lives online more enjoyable. It would also be useful to get exact statistics of how widespread the problem is. In theory this could be a service or a product that companies that deal with direct messages could use in their systems.


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