ML Sample Size for MLB Totals

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I have a stacking ensemble to predict probability of the total going under and a separate model that’s practically the same for the over. Right now on the under my test set size .2 which is 1400 game logs of my dataset and in order for my model to make a pick it has to meet a certain threshold. On the test set it’s precision on games that met the threshold (predicted prob > threshold) is .56, but the issue is it only made 132 picks. Is this enough to even consider using? I also have the average implied probability of the odds for the correct picks which was .5258 so roughly -111. I feel like 132 picks in 1400 games for just under is definitely enough in terms for the actual application too sports-betting, but I’m not sure if it’s enough to consider the results reliable. Essentially, my question is do I need to make the test set bigger or make my dataset itself bigger?


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