Crosswalk Annotation Case Study

In the early 20 century, the British people designed a kind of horizontal crossing on the street. When pedestrians cross the street, they can only walk on the crossing. Therefore, there appeared a series of eye-catching lines in the streets of the city, which looked like the white stripes on the zebra body, so people called it zebra crossing. When a driver sees these white lines, he or she will consciously slow down or stop, to let pedestrians pass safely.

But how can assisted driving or autonomous driving recognize these stationary objects?

For example, when a child crosses the road for the first time, his parents will tell him what is a traffic light and what is a zebra crossing. This is the basic data processing that must be done before the automatic driving algorithm.

The annotated image serves as a realistic reference, telling the automated driving algorithm what is a traffic light and what is a zebra crossing. Through learning millions of images, the automatic driving algorithm keeps in-depth learning and correcting itself.

Let’s look at a case of crosswalk annotation.


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