A Large Language Model for Healthcare | NHS-LLM and OpenGPT

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Hi all, my lab has been working for some time now on a large language model for healthcare, today we open-sourced OpenGPT and show results from NHS-LLM. OpenGPT is a new framework we've developed that facilitates the generation of grounded instruction-based datasets and supervised training of LLMs. And, NHS-LLM is a large language model for healthcare made using OpenGPT. The current NHS-LLM model is not as verbose as ChatGPT or similar models, but from the questions we’ve tested it on, it shows promising results and even outperforms ChatGPT on various medical tasks. More validation is to come, including validation on hospital data and patient timelines. This approach is the first step in creating a full-fledged conversational LLM for healthcare. But please take care that it is still experimental and should be handled with care.


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