D4RL: Datasets for Deep Data-Driven Reinforcement Learning

The offline reinforcement learning (RL) problem, also known as batch RL, refers to the setting where a policy must be learned from a static dataset, without additional online data collection. This setting is compelling as potentially it allows RL methods to take advantage of large, pre-collected datasets, much like how the rise of large datasets has fueled results in supervised learning in recent years. However, existing online RL benchmarks are not tailored towards the offline setting, making progress in offline RL difficult to measure. In this work, we introduce benchmarks specifically designed for the offline setting, guided by key properties of datasets relevant to real-world applications of offline RL. Examples of such properties include: datasets generated via hand-designed controllers and human demonstrators, multi-objective datasets where an agent can perform different tasks in the same environment, and datasets consisting of a mixtures of policies. To facilitate research, we release our benchmark tasks and datasets with a comprehensive evaluation of existing algorithms and an evaluation protocol together with an open-source codebase. We hope that our benchmark will focus research effort on methods that drive improvements not just on simulated tasks, but ultimately on the kinds of real-world problems where offline RL will have the largest impact.


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